Crafty Teenager Creates Website To Help People Fight Against Parking Tickets


It’s a well known fact that traffic wardens hate everybody and love nothing more than making it rain parking tickets all day. Well now one guy has come up with an ingenious process to help people fight against the fines.

18 year old Joshua Browder set up the useful website after receiving a whopping 30 parking tickets in the months after he passed his driving test. Upon registering with the site, users are asked to pick one of 12 options and then fill in their details to create  a customised appeal form to the relevant council in a couple of minutes.

Speaking about why he set up the site, Joshua says: 

I was given the parking tickets for trivial reasons. I have had to spend around one hundred hours of valuable study time writing appeals to these tickets, many of which have been successful. Unfortunately, many recipients of these tickets don’t have the time, legal knowledge or energy to appeal.

Browder – who is heading to California’s Stanford University to study Computer Science and Economics – put the site together over the summer after scanning thousands of legal documents gained through a Freedom of Information request, and had a leading traffic lawyer help him with the complexities.

The teenage genius has vowed to keep the website free for users and maintains that it is quick and easy to use. If you feel like you’ve been unfairly handed a parking ticket, give the website a try. If your appeal is successful, consider buying Mr. Browder a drink in celebration. Cheers Josh!