David Brent’s Back In All His Cringeworthy Glory


Office workers around the country beware, the world’s worst boss David Brent is back in all his cringeworthy glory!

David Brent:Life on The Road is the long demanded return of Ricky Gervais’ most iconic creation, the bumbling boss with a heart of gold who we last saw back in 2013 at Comic Relief.

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Now Brent’s made the jump to the big screen and it seems that the ex-Wernham Hogg manager is still chasing fame and fortune, hitting the road with exasperated side-kick Dom Johnson (Doc Brown) on a tour that’ll make his band’s name.

The two-minute teaser looks hilariously awkward as the years clearly haven’t made David any wiser, and he bumbles and fumbles in the trailer like its 2001 all over again.

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It’s just a shame that Stephen Merchant hasn’t returned as some of Gervais’ solo efforts have been a bit hit or miss over the years but we’re pretty confident that this’ll be a smasher.

While Dom may claim Brent’s hard to watch, we disagree and can’t wait to see him again!

Life on The Road awkwardly dances into cinemas August 19, 2016