David Harbour Crashes Fan’s School Pictures Just Like He Promised


Stranger Things actor David Harbour has proven that he’s a man of his word after agreeing to be in a high school student’s senior portrait.

Last year in October high school student Damaris Fregoso, from California, tweeted Harbour, who plays Sheriff Jim Hopper on the hit Netflix show, asking him how many retweets it would take for him to participate in her high school photos.

The future Hellboy actor replied ’25’, however with the added stipulation that he gets to ‘wear the school sweatshirt and hold a trombone’.


Three months and over 28,0000 retweets later, the 2018 Golden Globe-winning actor headed to Orestimba High, Fregoso’s school, to take some unforgettable high school photos.

Fregoso was happy to honour Harbour’s request too.

His wish to take photos with a trombone while donning a hoodie with her high school’s name was fulfilled.

Harbour posted the epic moment on his Instagram with the caption ‘Voted most likely to hijack someone’s high school senior photos 24 years later.’

As well as posing with the brass instrument, which he also played – albeit a ‘little rough’ according to Fregoso – he also channelled his inner cheerleader by playing about with some pom poms.

What a guy.