Be honest buying Christmas gifts is hard, you’ve got to save up, work out what everyone wants, wrap them, the list is endless. So it’s no wonder, occasionally, someone slips through the net and you forget to get a friend or family member a gift.
We’ve all felt the dread of realising late on Christmas Eve that you’ve not got your nan a gift, or you forgot to get your brother anything. But don’t worry, your mates here at UNILAD have got you covered.
Here’s a list of the places you can still find gifts on Christmas Eve.
Petrol Stations

Petrol Stations are still open on Christmas Eve, and they’re like a mini super-market, so they’re probably the best bet for a late gift. The selection’s not quite as good as a real supermarket, but you can get chocolate, booze, and even sometimes cards, so you’re not going to look too bad. The problem is that these days they tend to only let you buy petrol after a certain time so you can’t leave it too long, unless your nan needs a gallon of diesel?
Your Local Pub

You’ll no doubt want to head here on Christmas Eve anyway, so why not be efficient and pick up a gift for a mate who likes a drink while you’re in. If your local’s fancy and serves artisan beers, then they may do one of those brilliant take-away jugs, which would make an awesome gift. If it’s less fancy, well don’t worry there’s still plenty of options; peanuts, crisps and if they’re lucky pork scratchings. If you’ve got an arty mate, why not take a bottle, peel the label off and say it’s a vintage bottle from an artisan market, they’ll love it. Probably.
Chinese Takeaways

Got a foodie mate who you need to get a late gift for? Well did you know that most Chinese restaurants are still open on Christmas Eve? So just pop down to the local Chinese and pick him up a No46, they’ll love a portion of sweet and sour pork balls. Just make sure that you use grease proof wrapping paper otherwise they may get a bit soggy while they wait under the tree.
Your Office (If You Have A Set Of Keys)

If you’re really desperate why not take a trip to where you work, as long as you’ve got keys, and “borrow” some stationary. No one’s going to miss a pack of post-its or blu-tack are they? You don’t want to let down your cousins, who’ll have a great time on Christmas Day skipping on a rope made of paper clips.
The Back Of Your Wardrobe

Before you go rushing out, remember to check the back of your wardrobe for all the tat that was re-gifted to you last year. Most wardrobes have at least one set of Yankee candles hidden away at the bottom. If you’re really lucky you’ll probably find old wrapping paper and maybe even some old cards as well. You could could probably get away with giving someone that orange woolly jumper that your aunt got you last year.
The Boot Of Your Car

Your car will have hundreds of potential gifts for anyone who’s into their motors. Your dad would probably love a spare indicator bulb and your mum’s always wanted to read the log-book of your car. The boot’s probably the best place to look, you may even find a matching scarf and glove set in the back that you threw in the boot at the end of summer.
The Bottom Of Your Bag

Who knows, you may have got some chewing gum in there, or a really nice Biro?
Hopefully our helpful tips have saved you from making a tit of yourself and right now your family are enjoying your thoughtful gifts. No need to thank us…

More of a concept than a journalist, Tom Percival was forged in the bowels of Salford University from which he emerged grasping a Masters in journalism.
Since then his rise has been described by himself as ‘meteoric’ rising to the esteemed rank of Social Editor at UNILAD as well as working at the BBC, Manchester Evening News, and ITV.
He credits his success to three core techniques, name repetition, personality mirroring, and never breaking off a handshake.