If you are going to enter open water with a great white shark then a cage is advisable, however, as the first video below demonstrates, it is no safety guarantee.
After just a few seconds in the cage a shark torpedoes itself directly at the divers, forcing its nose through a small gap.
Luckily for the men inside the cage the great white is narrowly prevented from reaching them.
That was incredibly close, but in slow motion concerns over the shark’s well being are raised.
As several eagle-eyed Redditors point out, it appears a large piece of bait is dragged directly into the cage, luring the shark into the high speed collision.

Some did try to defend the actions of the divers, and further footage does suggest the speed of the shark was genuinely unexpected.

Maybe it was just an over eager juvenile shark then? One thing is certain though; those guys are damn lucky it had its jaws already open. It is literally all that stopped the apex predator getting into the cage clean.