Dog The Bounty Hunter Becomes Victim Of Crime He Usually Solves


Dog the Bounty Hunter has got a new case to solve, the case of who the fuck’s brave enough to rob Dog the Bounty Hunter.


According to beloved gossip-mongers TMZDog, 64, and his wife Beth were the victims of a hotel burglary while they stayed in a swanky LA hotel.

Thieves got away with $5,000 in cash from the Luxe Hotel in Los Angeles on Thursday night although police report that there was no sign of forced entry prompting fears it was an inside job.

Google Maps

The couple, who weren’t present for the robbery, only discovered their cash was missing when they opened up the hotel room safe and discovered it was empty.

Despite the couple’s jewellery and luggage being in the room as well nothing else was missing from the hotel suite.

Police are now working with the hotel to try and discover if a key card was copied and are reviewing CCTV from the hotel in hopes of catching the culprit.