Donald Trump Is Now Being Stalked By A Giant ‘Trump Rat’


Get out of the way giant inflatable Donald Trump chicken!

It’s seems that the President of the United States has a new inflatable parody in town.

This one is even uglier (I kind of liked the chicken to be fair) and ready to stalk him.

‘Trumpy the Rat’ made his debut, (I presume it’s a ‘he’), in New York near Trump Tower on Monday.

It was the president’s first visit to his home since taking office back in January.

Fitting in with Mr Trump’s chicken doppelganger, Trumpy the Rat features Confederate flag cuff-links, a Russian flag on its lapel, and of course, the infamous Trump-style hairdo.


According to the New York Daily News, Jeffrey Beebe is the artist responsible for designing the 15-foot inflatable rodent, while it was brought to fruition with BravinLee and a Kickstarter campaign that raised more than $10,000.

It’s believed to be modelled on the inflatable rat that’s sometimes used by union workers to protest non-union workers at job sites.

John Post Lee, of BravinLee told the New York Daily News:

I was always passing by these non-union construction sites on my bike and I saw these inflatable rats.

He continued:

I was amazed at how effective they were.

I marvelled at how disgusting they were.

The creators stated on Kickstarter they would position the rat as close to Trump Tower as possible:

It takes just 2-3 minutes to inflate the rat to its 15-foot height, so it might be possible to get it pretty close to the sociopath-in-chief’s super-vulgar-tacky rat’s nest!

New York City has been known for its giant rats, but this one may not stay for too long.

The notes on Kickstarter continued:

The intent is to fabricate an inflatable Trump Rat and get it out into the world, keep it circulating and loan it out to protests.


A chicken at the White House, now a rat in New York City, whatever next…?