Donald Trump Is The First US President To Attend Controversial Anti-Abortion Rally

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Donald Trump has become the US President in history to attend the March for Life, America’s largest anti-abortion rally.

Speaking at the National Mall, President Trump declared his support for tighter abortion restrictions, stating, ‘Unborn children have never had a stronger defender in the White House.’

This controversial move comes despite President Trump having previously described himself as being ‘pro-choice in every respect’, prior to entering politics.

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Many pro-life activists were visibly delighted by President Trump’s appearance, which many political commentators view as a bid to strengthen his ties to a key demographic of his supporters prior to his bid for re-election.


Speaking before a cheering and chanting crowd, Trump said:

We are protecting pro-life students’ right to free speech on college campuses. And if universities want federal taxpayer dollars, then they must uphold your first amendment right to speak your mind. And if they don’t, they pay a very big financial penalty, which they will not be willing to pay.

Sadly, the far left is actively working to erase our God-given rights, shut down faith-based charities, ban religious believers from the public square, and silence Americans who believe in the sanctity of life.

They are coming after me because I am fighting for you and we are fighting for those who have no voice. And we will win because we know how to win.


As reported by CNN, President Trump also proceeded to make a series of false accusations against Democratic politicians, including a claim that Virginia’s governor, Ralph Northam, ‘stated that he would execute a baby after birth’.

This defamatory accusation against Northam is one President Trump has chosen to spread multiple times, despite it having long been ruled to be completely false. Not a single Democrat has shown support for killing babies after birth.


According to independent fact-checking website The Politifact:

Northam, a physician, never said he would sanction the execution of newborns.

What he did say during a radio interview is that in rare, late-pregnancy cases when fetuses are nonviable, doctors deliver the baby, keep it comfortable, resuscitate it if the mother wishes, and then have a ‘discussion’ with the mother.


President Trump also made various other extremely dubious accusations against his Democratic rivals, alleging:

Nearly every top Democrat in Congress now supports taxpayer-funded abortion, all the way up until the moment of birth.

He also claimed:

Last year, lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb right up until delivery.

Although several US states do allow so-called ‘late-term’ terminations, these procedures do not occur all the way up until the moment of birth’.


As reported by NBC News, anti-abortion conservatives and evangelical Christians were key to President Trump’s 2016 victory, and his team now views them as a crucial element of his 2020 base.


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