Donald Trump Says His Greatest Asset Is ‘Being, Like, Really Smart’

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In light of great concern for Donald Trump’s mental health, the US President has hit back, defending his intelligence.

In an early-morning Twitter tirade, Donald Trump hit back at questions about his capacity for office after revelations in Michael Wolff’s explosive new book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.


Defending his own intelligence, Trump gathered all of his thoughts on the topic and claimed that his two greatest assets are his mental stability and ‘being, like, really smart’.

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Writing on Twitter, POTUS said:

Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence.

Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.

Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star, to President of the United States (on my first try).

I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius….and a very stable genius at that!

It’s interesting that he wrote the ‘like’ in that sentence. I wonder what his reasoning for doing that was…probably attention.

The publication of Mr Wolff’s book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, has shed light on many concerns among the President’s aides regarding his mental state.


Hopefully he feels like this after saying that…


The veteran journalist wrote in the tell-all work based on interviews with senior White House staff:

Everybody was painfully aware of the increasing pace of his [Mr Trump’s] repetitions.

It used to be inside of 30 minutes he’d repeat, word-for-word and expression-for-expression, the same three stories – now it was within 10 minutes. Indeed, many of his tweets were the product of his repetitions – he just couldn’t stop saying something.


The book also quotes Steve Bannon, Trump’s former chief strategist, saying he thought it was unlikely the President would make his full four-year term, noting the possibility of ‘a threat by the cabinet to act on the 25th Amendment’.

‘He’s not going to make it,’ Mr Bannon is reported to have said. ‘He’s lost his stuff’.

Of course the President was quick to brand Mr Wolff’s book as ‘phony’ and ‘full of lies’, as he does with any opposition to him.


He called Mr Wolff  ‘a total loser who made up stories’ to sell copies.


Last year the American Psychiatric Association warned its members to stop psychoanalysing Mr Trump from afar, saying ‘to do so would not only be unethical, it would be irresponsible’.