Recently Dr Sandra Lee -AKA Dr Pimple Popper- faced some stiff competition online for the title of NOPEst video producing dermatologist, but she has struck back with a vengeance.
As reported by the Daily Mail, Dr Lee’s latest patient had developed a melon-sized lump on her shoulder, and she has gone to the right place to have it removed.
Having said that, the large lipoma is not going anywhere without a fight.
Check it out:
I just lost my appetite.
Dr Lee explains in the video’s description:
This lovely patient drove a few hours to come see me. She has had this lipoma removed in the past but it grew back. As you can see it’s pretty big in size. Perhaps the largest lipoma I have ever removed.
If an area of the skin this size needs to be locally anesthetized it’s common to use the “tumescent technique” which is the same way I numb people when I perform body liposuction.
Essentially, this is when we dilute the lidocaine, in saline (with epinephrine and bicarb as usual), so we can spread it out to a wider area. Lidocaine in large volumes in our body is actually life threatening, so we always monitor how much lidocaine we are administering if we know we need to anesthetize a large area.

She continued:
I do believe there was “normal” fat above this lipoma that I had to remove to get to this actual lipoma, so there may be a slight depression in the area when it fully heals, but my fingers are crossed because it looks pretty good so far!
I DON’T use liposuction to remove lipomas because this “breaks up” the lipoma and I do believe there is high chance that a lipoma reoccurs this way.

Dr Lee’s channel is now reportedly enjoying so much fame that the California-based doc is now able to offer some patients free treatment, so long as they’re cool with being filmed and inevitably shared globally.
This patient definitely provided their money’s worth…