This is the crazy moment a suspected terrorist was savagely beaten by his fellow inmates after he allegedly threatened to kill one of them if they didn’t convert to Islam.
The footage from prison CCTV shows the moment Terrence Wilson, 24, and Michael Clarke, 29, begin attacking Carlos Larmond inside Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre.
According to Wilson’s lawyer Paolo Giancaterino, the attack took place on March 3 after Larmond had spent weeks asking Wilson to become a “soldier of Islam”.
Apparently Wilson wasn’t too keen on the idea and things soon turned nasty when Wilson refused to adhere to Larmond’s initially friendly requests to convert.
He said:
It first started with some friendly requests for him to convert to Islam and be a soldier of Islam, and my client was having none of it. It escalated to the point where threats were starting to be made that my client would be killed in his cell if he didn’t convert. That was followed up by another threat that my client’s family would be killed by someone on the outside if he didn’t convert.
The video shows Larmond talking with somebody off camera in the prison communal area when, all of a sudden, punches start being thrown by Wilson (on the left without facial hair) and Clarke.
And the whole thing is absolutely brutal. Seriously – they beat the absolute sh*t out of this guy. Larmond is punched to the ground, kicked and stamped on, hurled into a wall and even beaten with a crate as the other prisoners rush to get out of the way of the melee.
Larmond eventually manages to escape to a nearby doorway where correctional officers, who had been watching through the glass and clearly weren’t overly keen to get involved, escort him to safety while fellow inmates appear to congratulate the attackers.
Larmond suffered a black eye and a broken hand in the attack. Wilson has now been sentenced to 60 days in jail for the assault, while Clarke is due to stand trial next week charged with assault with a weapon.
Clarke meanwhile is already serving a 141-day sentence for assault causing bodily harm, while Wilson was in custody awaiting charging for aggravated assault at the time of this attack.
Larmond was being held while awaiting trial for terrorism offences, alongside his twin brother Ashton. Larmond is charged with participating in a terror group and travelling abroad to participate in terror activities.
Unsurprisingly, the pair have now been moved to a different facility!