Drone taxis might be a reality sooner than you think.
Chinese technology company EHANG has been given permission to begin testing their new ‘passenger’ drone in the skies over Nevada, U.S.
This could have massive implications to the transport industry, freeing up more roadways and depending on the fuel source possibly being a much more green method of transport. (Not to mention it sounds really fun!)
Could this soon be your view on the way to work?
How will it know where I’m going?
Clients who take advantage of the service will be able to input their desired destination using a smartphone app that would be synchronized with the the drone’s own software. More details on the navigation process will be released once testing begins later in the year.
I hope it doesn’t fly like this
When can I fly these beasts?
A date in which you or me could take advantage of these drones has not been set but once testing starts later this year, you could be seeing these ‘Drone taxis’ flying over head much sooner than you think.
Tom Wilczek of the Economic Development Office in Nevada said to Review Journal:
I personally look forward to the day when drone taxis are part of Nevada’s transportation system.
Does anyone else see a blend of Blade Runner and The 5th Element when they think about this or is it just me?