Getting a tattoo while drunk is always a bad idea. But it goes without saying that getting a tattoo on your forehead while drunk is just ridiculous.
But that’s what people in Magaluf are doing.
The latest worrying trend is seeing (probably drunk) holidaymakers get the Harry Potter scar tattooed on their foreheads – and it looks as stupid as you’d imagine.
A British girl working in Magaluf decided to get the dark mark tattooed, and the pictures have been shared around social media.
Only in Magaluf – A young female Magaluf worker gets the Harry Potter scar – lightening bolt tattoo on her forehead….
Posted by Magaluf Box Office on Saturday, August 6, 2016
If you thought one person walking around with a lighting bolt on their forehead was bad enough, once the pictures surfaced, someone else went to the same tattoo parlour the next day and also requested the regrettable tat.
Harry Potter tattoo trending – Only in Magaluf
After a young female Magaluf worker gets the Harry Potter scar -…
Posted by Magaluf Box Office on Sunday, August 7, 2016
It’s not just in Magaluf either. A girl in Aiya Napa was also pictured with an allegedly real Harry Potter tattoo, too.
Napa gal got Harry Potter tattoo ??? pic.twitter.com/8ZwGeFKeLL
— JACK FARISH (@jackfarish) August 7, 2016
And there’s been more:
Seeing a gal get the Harry Potter scar tattoo'd on her forehead in bright red is Defo something I'll remember, lmao #Magaluf
— DS (@DanSaxon7) August 7, 2016
Apparently, getting a Harry Potter-related tattoo in Magaluf has been a thing for a while.
My newest tattoo 2nd Harry Potter one ?, #magaluf #tattoo #hp4life #always pic.twitter.com/4F36PLubr0
— Vonny O'Hara (@vonnykinz) April 3, 2016
'If' I come back from magaluf with a tattoo, I will 100% make sure it is related to harry potter in some way
— NicholasAngel (@horseydayzarttt) July 10, 2013
Here’s to hoping this lightning bolt tattoo trend ends there.