Elderly Woman Bodyslammed After Complaining About Loud Pool Party


A brutal video has been uploaded online showing the disgusting treatment of an older woman who was complaining about noise.


The woman was complaining about the noise at a south Florida High School pool party.

The party was being held by a group of promoters called the Block Boyz at a teenager’s residence just outside of Miami.


The lady enters the back garden with her two small dogs on leads remonstrating with the large group of teenagers.

At least one female voice can be heard saying; “throw her in, throw her in.”

Suddenly a man in a red t-shirt picks up the lady and slips up dropping her onto her head.

MediaTakeOut.com reported that the lady suffered serious head trauma.


The man in the red t-shirt stands up and drags the woman to the pool and throws her in – falling in himself.

MediaTakeOut.com also confirmed that the woman was later rushed to the hospital and is currently in stable condition.

Police are still investigating the shocking incident.
