Everything You Need To Know About Xbox One’s Backwards Compatibility

Digital Trends

Could backwards compatibility be the turning point for the Xbox One? That’s the question many people – including Microsoft – are asking themselves as they prepare to roll out backwards compatibility on the console next week.

As they get ready for the big day, Microsoft have released a video detailing pretty much everything you could want to know about the feature, and how it’s going to work.

Once you download the update, you’ll be able to see a new tab on the dashboard that shows all the Xbox 360 titles you’ve downloaded digitally under your gamertag. If you’ve got a physical copy of a game though, you’ll need to put the disc in every time you fancy a play.

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Another cool feature, is that if you used the cloud to save any of your games, they’ll be available from the get-go alongside all the DLC you own too.

You’ll also be able to record your gameplay footage and take screenshots, while multiplayer games are also fully supported.

Xbox One’s backwards compatibility will be rolled out next week on November 12. The full list of 100 games coming to the feature will be released next week, and users will be able to vote for any titles they want to see. Check out the Xbox website for more details.