A Korean expert has claimed that North Korea is planning a September 11 style attack on the US early into Trump’s administration.
The communist regime, headed by Kim Jong-un, is delaying an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test and a nuclear test until the political turmoil in the south of the country settles down.
Victor Cha explained that Pyongyang is building a strong nuclear arsenal ‘to field a modern nuclear force that has the proven ability to threaten first US territories in the Pacific — including Guam and Hawaii — then the achievement of a capability to reach the US homeland, starting with the West Coast’.
Speaking at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Tuesday, Victor Cha, a Georgetown University professor and Korea chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said:
Pyongyang carried out two (failed) medium-range ballistic missiles tests prior to President Trump’s election on October 15 and 20, 2016. The only reason they have not followed the election with an action, we believe, is because of the domestic political crisis in South Korea,
However, once this crisis of leadership in the South is resolved (or even before then), ballistic missile and nuclear tests are sure to follow.
Very soon North Korea will be able to target all 50 states, and our allies.
With hundreds of thousands of North Korean laborers abroad — sending as much as $2bn (£1.6bn) a year back to the regime in hard currency — we should look at targeting this expatriate labor.
Loopholes in our sanctions on North Korea’s shipping and financial sectors must be closed. And when we discover that foreign banks have helped Kim Jong-un skirt sanctions – as those in China have repeatedly done – we must give those banks and businesses a stark choice: do business with Kim Jong-un or the US” he reportedly said.
Cha is urging to US government to take out strict measures against North Korea in terms of closing loopholes and enforcing tighter sanctions.
The US has approved plans to move ahead with the THAAD missile defence system to South Korea, which has the capability to shoot any nuclear missile detonated from the North out of the sky.
Just as September 11 was the defining event of Bush’s term, a potential attack from North Korea would define Donald Trump’s tenure.