Facebook are set to make it possible for you to buy directly from them, teaming up with a variety of brands in order to do so.
Facebook are trying to enter the world of online commerce, and given the industry is set to reach around $350 million this year, in contrast to the $60 million that digital advertising- the thing Facebook relies on for most of their money – will reach, it is a no brainer really. The shops will be part of their foray into commerce, with it also extending to their messenger app.
Last year, Facebook introduced the buy button, that allows you to complete purchases from the site itself as an independent initiative, but did not take a percentage from the sales platform. Now the site aims to allow you to browse a variety of things, including a selection of clothes and products without ever having to leave the site, before buying the product.
Given you can actually shop directly from Google, Twitter and Instagram, it shows that Facebook are lagging a little bit behind if anything, and need to implement the tool on their site to keep up with their rivals.
It’s something that sounds amazing, but could be dangerous at the same time, with Amazon’s one-click being a bank balance destroyer for most people.