Facebook’s New Feature Is Genuinely Absolutely Brilliant

Rick Wilking/Reuters/Max Pixel

Facebook have answered your social media prayers.

Long gone are the days when you’re happily scrolling through endless dog videos and enviable food porn, only to be interrupted by some idiot posting some tripe about something or other.

Almost invariably, you consider said idiot – as they shall now be referred to – a good friend or acquaintance. Otherwise you wouldn’t be Facebook friends… Right?


Maybe they know the best places in town for craft beer, or have the inside social media scoop on all the latest hot memes – either way, you don’t want to overreact and cull them from your so-called friends list.

Enter: the Facebook Snooze Button – the button which allows users to temporarily unfollow individuals, pages, and groups for periods of 24 hours, a week, or 30 days.

A Facebook spokesperson told TechCrunch:

We’re testing new ways to give people control over their ‘News Feeds’ so they can stay connected with the stories they find most relevant.


This may come in handy during periods of social unrest or during a political election or perhaps when you don’t want to be bombarded with posts from The Idiot imploring you to shoot guns at hurricanes to ‘scare them off’…

In other words, it’s handy pretty much all of the time, because Facebook is full of people just like these ddiots, who insist on disagreeing with your viewpoint.

Twitter, the home of ‘Don’t @ me’, obviously approves:

Facebook is, once again, offering you a way to get rid of annoying friends. The ‘see fewer posts like this’ button fills a similar requirement.

Facebook: The social networking site which helps you ignore the idiots and surround yourself in a vacuum of debate or opposing viewpoints.

All praise Mark Zuckerberg and his cronies!