Father And Son Share Incredibly Creepy Family Photo Recreation

By :
Facebook/Tyler Walker

Family recreations are usually a cute way of being nostalgic and having a laugh.


Tyler Walker and his family took a pretty creepy approach to the whole thing though.


Their photo of choice was when Tyler was sitting on his father’s lap in the bath, completely naked.


We’ve both grown up a bit…. ???

Posted by Tyler Walker on Thursday, April 27, 2017

The post has received an impressive 62k shares and 16k likes, with commenters unsure whether to laugh or vomit.

Tyler (the baby) posted the two photos. The first is a cute father and son portrait, while the second shows the two of them squeezed into a little bath tub awkwardly straddling one another…

Ultimately this is pretty hilarious, in a pretty uncomfortable way.


Thanks god the dad is wearing shorts though!
