Fewer Americans Getting Married Because Men Don’t Earn Enough, Claims Outrageous Study

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Male, heterosexual and broke? A new, outrageous US study has revealed the reason behind American men’s potential lack of a partner – their wallet.

Research is now suggesting that the reason behind the decline in marriage rates across the US in recent years could have something to do with male spouses no longer being “economically attractive.”

Yep, as if it wasn’t hard enough to flex in today’s beauty-obsessed, materialistic world, you guys out there now have to worry about how handsome the contents of your wallet are too.

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Oh, they’re empty you say? Then according to the study, published Wednesday in the Journal of Family and Marriage, you’re destined for singledom, as you don’t fit into the category of ‘marriageable men.’ Talk about a stretch.

David Lichter, lead author of the journal, said that unless a woman’s dream man is an Uber driver, the death of would-be grooms is prominent ‘in the current gig economy of unstable, low-paying service jobs.’

Daniel Lichter said in a press release:

Most American women hope to marry, but current shortages of marriageable men — men with a stable job and a good income — make this increasingly difficult.

To investigate the supposed man drought caused by today’s ‘gig economy’, researchers created profiles of potential husbands based on men already married, as logged in American Community Survey data. They then compared the fake profiles with those of real-life eligible men.

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They found that a woman’s ideal man makes more than 58 per cent more money than the eligible bachelors that they used as a comparison.

The study concluded:

This study reveals large deficits in the supply of potential male spouses.

Whatever happened to old-fashion reasoning behind marriage? You know, that little thing called love? According to Lichter, it is a factor but marriage ‘is fundamentally an economic transaction. Yikes.

To be honest, getting married when your broke shouldn’t be a priority anyway. Divorce is expensive.

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