Footage Of A Fire And A Tornado Colliding Has Gone Viral


Footage Of A Fire And A Tornado Colliding Has Gone Viral

You’ve probably seen a fire. You may even have seen a tornado. But have you ever seen a fire-nado?

Footage of the Cocos fire in San Diego last May is going viral again, probably due to the sheer horror of the ‘firenado’ it caused. Burning 36 homes to the ground, the devastating fire caused more than £6,600,000 worth of damage.

This was the Cocos fire in San Diego county

NBC San Diego reported that a judge recently found a 14-year-old girl responsible for the blaze, after she started a small fire in back yard. He did however acknowledge that she didn’t intend the blaze to get so wildly out of control.

A fire-nado – or fire whirl – is caused when high winds meet with ground fires, throwing spouts of flames hundreds of feet into the sky. They are understandably quite rare in populated areas and few have been caught on camera, but one citizen caught the Cocos fire-nado on their home camera.

Next time you think about starting a fire in your back yard:
1) don’t do it
2) definitely don’t do it when it’s windy
3) don’t do it.