It’s been barely hours since Donald Trump’s at best misplaced, at worst, grossly degrading comments were revealed – but, because 2016, you can already buy the merch.
We all know Trump is no stranger when it comes to controversy – his entire campaign has been utterly shrouded in it – but this latest ultra-gaffe has got to be up there with his worst, reports Brief Reports.
Just in case you missed it, the potential next in line to the U.S presidency said:
When you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.
Lovely stuff, befitting of a man who is hoping to take up the most powerful office in the world – I think we can agree.
Trump barely had time to issue a pathetic, half-arsed apology in which he basically blamed everyone else for being offended before opportunistic entrepreneurs redbubble.com had managed to put out ‘Grab them by the pussy’ T-shirts.

Don’t worry about the degrading comments though, it’s fine, because the shirts are ‘ethically sourced’.
“I’ve said some foolish things,” said Trump after the comments surfaced, only to then brush the scandal off as ‘nothing more than a distraction’.
Trump’s remarks have been widely condemned by politicians, including members of his own party and, of course, his arch rival Hillary Clinton.

She said:
This is horrific. We cannot allow this man to become president.
You better get your thinking cap on then Hillary, because unfortunately for all of us he seems pretty fucking indestructible at the moment…