Game Of Thrones Actor Promises Weirdest, Darkest Season Yet


Just when you thought it couldn’t get any weirder than incestuous twins, Cersei and Jamie Lannister are here to prove you wrong.

Cersei actress, Lena Headey, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, has made the bold claim that the twins relationship is going to reach ‘all-time weird level’ in the upcoming season six of Game Of Thrones.

Considering they once pushed a young boy out of a tower for the crime of finding them rutting, the people of Westeros should probably be worried.

Headey told Entertainment Weekly:

It’s probably [Cersei’s] most interesting season… She really has nothing to lose and she has everything to gain from a horrible position she finds herself in.

At the end of season five, Cersei was forced to endure a walk of shame which would make the Geordie Shore cast blush, but she’ll soon be reunited with her beloved Jaime.

Unfortunately the Kingslayer hasn’t got any good news for her as he cocked up his mission to rescue their daughter Myrcella. But we’re sure he can redeem himself by helping his sister defeat the increasingly powerful Faith Militant.

Lena went on to say that ‘her [Cersei’s] relationship with Jaime is at an all-time weird level’ before describing the sixth season as ‘juicy, and it’s so f**king dark.’


Liam Cunningham has also gone into a bit more detail about what to expect from Ser Davos this season and why he’s so strangely protective of the, totally 100 per cent, dead body of Jon Snow, The Independent reports.

Apparently Ser Davos will continue his feud with the Red Witch and most definitely hasn’t forgiven her for what she did to the poor Princess Shireen, although he does admit that the pair are lost without Stannis.

He explained:

They are very, very strange bedfellows, as they say, but they are in a very weird situation. For two people who have an abhorrent dislike of each other, they’re both in the same boat… We both lost Stannis. We both lost our reason for being in the show.

Cunningham then went on to tease the fate of Jon Snow and Ser Davos’ relationship with the unfortunate bastard.


He said:

I have found, while talking with Stannis to Jon, that this guy is a fellow traveller. He’s the real deal. He’s a good guy. He’s definitely got leadership qualities, and he has a heroic and charismatic quality to him. Davos will obviously be drawn to that kind of character. Davos isn’t a leader.

Interesting that Liam talks about Jon as though he’s still around, unless he wants a corpse leading him into battle which considering the Night’s King probably isn’t outside the realms of possibility for this show.

With all the weirdness ahead of us it’s no wonder the showrunners are calling it the best season yet!