Girl, 12, Aces Mensa IQ Test, Beats Scores Of Einstein And Hawking


Most kids are out playing hopscotch, hitting hoops with sticks, or whatever it is the youth does these days, but one 12-year-old has smashed the Mensa IQ test.

Lydia Sebastian scored 162 on the test – the maximum for under-18s – beating Einstein and Hawking who are both thought to have IQ’s around 160. Mensa is the largest and oldest high-IQ society in the world and is technically open to anyone to join. That is as long as your IQ sits in the top 2% of the population.

Lydia is the third student this year to hit maximum points on the exam and finished with a few minutes to spare.

She said:

At first, I was really nervous but once I started, it was much easier than I expected it to be and then I relaxed.

A student of Colchester County High School in Essex, Lydia has read all seven Harry Potter books three times, has played the violin since she was four and says her favourite subject is Maths.

Stephen Hawking is yet to comment on Lydia’s score, but it’s expected he will have to challenge the youngster to mortal combat in an attempt to display his dominance.