Girl Advertises For New Best Mate On Facebook After Hers Gets A Boyfriend

By :
Rachael Ryan

Do you like MMA, talking shite and eating at Nandos? Do you have a keen interest in ‘the lols and the bants’?


Well, if so there’s a new opening for a best friend that’s perfect for you.


23-year-old Rachael Ryan from Ireland has advertised for a new best friend on Facebook after the previous occupant of the role found herself a boyfriend.


She laid out the job specifics in a Facebook post.


She says:

I’ve been best friends with Katy for five years now. I wish them the best of luck for the future and everything it holds.

Sadly, I have lost the person that is always there 24/7, to listen to me talk sh*te.

The application is open to both genders, so if you feel you meet the criteria for becoming her new best friend then get applying.


No timewasters.
