Girl Stands Up To Boss Who ‘Instagram Shamed Her For Not Being Model Material’

sherene-e1454585379240Facebook - Sherene Marie Zarrabi

A student quit her job after being Instagram shamed by her employer for not being ‘model material’.


Sherene Zarrabi is confident in how she looks so when her manager at Dainty Hooligan asked her to model the boutique’s clothes and share the photos on the brand’s Instagram she was more than happy to oblige.

However, Jessica Issler, the company’s owner, wasn’t happy with the pictures and sent an email to Sherene’s manager to get them taken down. Reportedly Issler wasn’t happy that Sherene wasn’t a ‘size small, the stereotypical model.’

model 1Facebook/Sherene Marie Zarrabi

The email was forwarded on to Sherene, who decided to quit as a result. She then shared the email on her Facebook to call out the brand and its owner.

This is an email I was forwarded earlier. I just want to start by saying this: I am fully comfortable with who I am and…

Posted by Sherene Marie Zarrabi on Monday, 1 February 2016

She explained:

I am fully comfortable with who I am and the way I look. I have recently been attacked and discriminated against by the owner of Dainty Hooligan.

I do not want to represent or support a business that has such archaic values and beliefs.

THIS is the reason young girls have body image issues. This is disgusting.

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Sherene’s Facebook post was shared thousands of times, but Issler refused to back down.

She told O’ that she refused to apologise for ‘the unsaid fashion rule’, and claims that 50 pictures were deleted from the shop’s Instagram – two or three of which were of Sherene.


Issler then made then claimed that Sherene is ‘not mentally healthy’, and accused her of creating ‘a hostile work environment because she has a sad body image of herself.’


However since then Issler has reached out to Sherene directly, admitting that she can see ‘where feelings got hurt.’

In an email to Sherene, she wrote:


I wish you the best of luck and honestly I don’t have any ill or hard feelings toward you and I want to thank you for a very humbling experience.

Sherene is staying strong. She responded to Issler’s original comments by telling O’Colly that she’s proud of quitting.

Fair play to her…