A party girl stole more than £5,000 from her landlord and blew it on a luxury party holiday.
The Mirror report that Carys Owens stole over five grand from her landlord and spent the money on drinks for her friends and a luxury holiday to Antigua.
However Owens claims that she didn’t steal the money and was instead given the cash as part of a deal to marry her victim’s Iraqi cousin – an allegation that her landlord denies.

Astonishingly, the cruel thief tried to evade justice for her crime and was only caught when she was deported from Antigua for stupidly stealing a mobile phone.
She also callously laughed off friends’ accusations that she’d taken the cash.
Owens plead guilty to theft on March 13, 2013, at Plymouth Crown Court and received a nine-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months.

Recorder Richard Onslow said:
From the moment you took hold of the money you decided to use it entirely as your own.
You bought your friends drinks and blew the money within a few days on an expensive holiday in Antigua, which you advertised on Facebook.
You tried to laugh off the fact that you had that money and you failed to return.
The court heard how Owens was living in the victim’s house in Torpoint, Devon, with her boyfriend when the theft happened.

Sally Daulton, prosecuting, said the landlord kept large carrier bags full of money behind a big container of olive oil in the kitchen.
One evening one of Owen’s friends spotted a large amount of money on the side which Owens claimed had been given to her by her boyfriend and bought drinks for all her friends on a night out.
Owens then caught a bus to London and hopped on a plane to Antigua. The poor victim allegedly only realising that their money was missing several weeks later.

When one of her friends challenged her over the money Owens laughed it off.
Police eventually caught up to her when she returned to Britain in September 2013 but she evaded justice by escaping to Antigua and then moving to Croydon, south London.
In a statement, the victim – who denies giving her the money as part of an arranged marriage deal – told the court: “I feel I have worked all year for nothing.”

Michael Green, mitigating, said Owens insists the victim paid her the cash as part of £11,000 to marry his Iraqi cousin.
They claim that the deal was to evade immigration controls but she never intended to go through with the scheme.
Owens now works as the manager of a coffee shop in Tooting, south London, and was informally caring for a friend’s 14-year-old son, the court was told.
She was ordered to repay £5,200 to the victim, do 100 hours unpaid work and pay a £100 victim surcharge.

More of a concept than a journalist, Tom Percival was forged in the bowels of Salford University from which he emerged grasping a Masters in journalism.
Since then his rise has been described by himself as ‘meteoric’ rising to the esteemed rank of Social Editor at UNILAD as well as working at the BBC, Manchester Evening News, and ITV.
He credits his success to three core techniques, name repetition, personality mirroring, and never breaking off a handshake.