It turns out movie deals are a lot like buses, you wait all day for one to come along and then two come at once.
Or, at least they do if you’re Deadpool.
After years in development hell, Deadpool has finally hit the big screen and the good people behind the project over at 20th Century Fox, after some pretty genius marketing, are hoping for a big opening in the U.S. this weekend.
In fact, the suits over at Fox are so confident, that the studio has already got a Deadpool sequel in the works. The Hollywood Reporter claims both Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have been brought back to write the sequel, which has already been greenlit.

Obviously, this could all change if the film tanks at the box office – let’s not forget that Fox greenlit a Fantastic Four sequel and we all know how that went – but, reportedly, the anti-hero is on track for a $65 million (£44 million) opening weekend.
The director Tim Miller hasn’t signed on for any potential sequels, but the rumours are that Fox wants to stick to their seemingly winning formula.
Months ago, producer Simon Kinberg confirmed conversations regarding a sequel.
He said:
We certainly are talking about the sequel—we were talking about the sequel while we were making the movie just because when you make a film like this that’s from a serialized source material, you hope that it’s the first of many… But yeah [Fox is] feeling good about it, we’re all feeling really proud of it, so hopefully before it comes out we will be well into the process of figuring out a sequel.
#Deadpool is already writing up his sequel demands. https://t.co/rbYB8Jmtdl pic.twitter.com/EGZqlzZmUl
— Empire Magazine (@empiremagazine) February 10, 2016
Tim Miller has discussed the sequel before as well, and hopes to include the character Cable, Deadpool’s reluctant best buddy, who Kinberg also mentioned.
He explained:
It’s certainly come up because he’s such a big character in the world. And it’s a character that I’ve always wanted to do in one form or another, we talked about Cable actually in Days of Future Past at one point. But yeah we’re in such the early stages of sequel talk it would be genuinely premature for me to say whether or not he was gonna be in it.
Not that we don’t trust The Hollywood Reporter but they also reported a Green Lantern sequel was in works a few years ago and that idea, thankfully, seems to have died a death, so lets not count our Deadpool eggs until they’ve hatched!

More of a concept than a journalist, Tom Percival was forged in the bowels of Salford University from which he emerged grasping a Masters in journalism.
Since then his rise has been described by himself as ‘meteoric’ rising to the esteemed rank of Social Editor at UNILAD as well as working at the BBC, Manchester Evening News, and ITV.
He credits his success to three core techniques, name repetition, personality mirroring, and never breaking off a handshake.