A British basketball player has shared footage of him being racially abused and criticised members of the public for not defending him.
Zachariah Go Go Gachette said he’d never been subjected to any racial discrimination until yesterday.

He said:
Never in my life have I been a victim of any racial discrimination until today… and what made it worse was that a group of strangers would rather support an old racist man publicly abusing me, rather than a young black male sticking up for himself and his rights whilst being wronged.
Their excuse was that he fought in a war and is the reason why I am here, which was purely an assumption based on him being old when he isn’t even old enough to of fought in any war (of which I also had family members both black and white fight).
Furthermore I am also considered to be the disrespectful one for swearing whilst there are kids present, whilst their kids are susceptible to hearing a white man telling a YOUNG BLACK BRITISH MALE, to F off back to his own country!!
He went on to apologise for his ‘poor language’ and admitted he lost his temper.
Never in my life have I been a victim of any racial discrimination until today… and what made it worse was that a…
Posted by Zachariah Go Go Gachette on Monday, 29 May 2017