Muhammad Rahim al-Afghani has been detained in Guantanamo Bay since 2007 and has lately been trying to look for love from the confines of the prison camp.
His lawyer, Carlos Warner, setup a profile for him on with the tagline ‘detained but ready to mingle’ and has filled in al-Afghani’s location honestly as Guantanamo Bay. Werner manages the account and apparently there are matches everyday.
al-Afghani has also tried Ashley Madison, but he’s unable to do Tinder from inside the prison camp.
Apparently he’s never had an account with Ashley Madison, so he’s joking around on that one. In other letters to his lawyer he also expresses respect for Caitlyn Jenner.
al-Afghani is considered to be a ‘high-value’ prisoner who is accused of being a close associate of Osama bin Laden. As previously mentioned, he has been imprisoned since 2007, and is yet to have a trial. After eight years it makes sense he’s feeling quite disconnected.
He read about the phenomenon of online dating four years ago in a magazine and has been interested since.
Mr. Warner has said that they initially started two profiles, one on Plenty of Fish and the second on, but deleted the Plenty of Fish one as it required too much classified information.
Many letters have been shared publicly by Mr. Warner beyond the dating stuff and it’s actually fascinating insight into someone who is cut off from the world, but attempting to stay in the loop with what’s going on.
Keeping up with basketball.
Weighing in politics.
al-Afghani appeared numerous times in the torture report which found the CIA had unjustly subjected detainees to brutal and life-altering abuse.
Mr. Warner has told the Daily Mail it is unlikely al-Afghani will have a trial anytime soon and that overall the attempts at dating are somewhat satirical. There are lots of matches in the Caribbean, but nothing can be done while being detained. “I don’t want to say he’s a ladies man, but he’s definitely interested in the culture,” added Mr. Warner.
For now, Mr. Warner is just trying to bring as many magazines and newspapers to al-Afghani as possible so he can stay connected to the world.
Despite being refused a trial and being heavily tortured al-Afghani still wants to go to the U.S when he gets out.
116 prisoners remain in the camp despite President Obama’s vow to close it.