Guy Poos Himself While Shopping, Fails Miserably At Covering The Evidence

Guy Poos Himself While Shopping, Fails Miserably At Covering The EvidenceAsiaWire

Nobody in the history of man has made it through their life without shitting themselves – it’s a right of passage. 

Whether it’s when you’re a baby, ill or unfathomably drunk, at least one day is likely to be ruined by the accidental presence of poo.

A shopper was in this unfortunate situation recently, but instead of fessing up to his excrement, he made it much worse for himself.

Have a look at the video below: 

Security camera footage from a supermarket in Turkey shows a man wandering around a local shop, appearing to look a little unsteady.

He walks up to the counter, stops, and shifts his legs – and drops a poo on the floor.

Obviously, his mind would be scrambling at this point. ‘What should I do? Should I tell the staff? Should I hide it?’

Man Poo Turkey Shop AsiaWire

Well, the gentleman opted for the latter. He tries kick his droppings underneath of an ice cream refrigerator, of all places.

However, whether it was the poo’s moistness or the man’s heavy footing, he ends up smearing the shit across the floor like a brush stroke – not exactly Art Attack, is it?

When the staff member arrives at the counter to assist the gentleman with his shopping, the culprit appears to act completely innocent, gesturing to the clerk as if he doesn’t know where it came from. Think McLovin when he drops the beer in the liquor store in Superbad.

Man Poo Turkey ShopAsiaWire

The supermarket, based in the district of Karasu in the north-western Turkish province of Sakarya, is yet to comment on the video.

Naturally, people online aren’t pleased by the man’s faecal antics. One person wrote: ‘Has this man no shame? Dirty Git.’ Another wrote: ‘Feel bad for the cashier but that got a laugh out of me. How gross.’

Man Poo Turkey ShopAsiaWire

If you’re caught in a situation like this, take the five minutes of shame – don’t hide it under the ice cream.

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