This prisoner landed himself in the shit – quite literally – whilst attempting a Shawshank Redemption style jail break.
In the gag-inducing footage, the shit-caked man is seen attempting to slither head first through a hole in the ground in the communal toilets. As the man attempts – unsuccessfully – to force his way through the clogged sewerage pipes, two men can be seen to grab hold of his legs and pull him back out of the hole.

A later shot shows the man covered from head to toe in shit after being returned to his prison cell. It is thought he was attempting his great escape from a prison in Brazil but the exact location is not clear.
The video was originally uploaded to LiveLeak.com on December 29 and has already clocked up more than 135,400 views with the Youtube version – posted yesterday – gaining over 43,000 views.

A valiant effort mate, but unfortunately you ended up tunnelling through shit but with no redemption.