Guy Tries To Mug MMA Fighter, Instantly Regrets It

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On the list of stupid things to do, trying to rob an MMA fighter probably ranks just above showing a bull a red rag and below getting in a tank with a shark.

Of course we know that people fight bulls and swim with sharks all the time so it was only a matter of time before someone tried to rob a trained MMA fighter.


Enter idiot number one who features in the above video and does indeed try and mug a guy who’s trained in the art of whooping-arse, specifically dicky little bitches who try and steal his stuff.

The video starts with two men scuffling on the floor, one in a grey shirt who’s a trained fighter and the other a larger man in a black vest, who seems to have instigated the attack by trying rob his opponent.

Unfortunately for the black vested chap his supposed victim is hard as nails and pins him relative quickly all while the would-be thief jiggles and wriggles about like a bowl of idiot flavour jelly.


Pinning his attacker down the man in grey explains: 

I could break your shit right now, you fucking dumb fuck, get out of here before I hurt you.


Realising he’d made something of a mistake the man in the vest follows his advice and gets out of the way pretty quickly – presumably with his pride and body pretty bruised.


Lesson here – don’t rob people…