A man broke into his ex-girlfriend’s house, trapped her in a room and attempted to make her drink his blood.
Stuff.co.nz. report that Thomas Francis Knudsen, 28, admitted to four counts of assaulting his ex-partner and possession of an offensive weapon at the Wellington District Court.
Knudsen reportedly visited his victim’s home, forced himself inside and pushed her onto a bed where the thug sat on top of her for around two hours with her arms pinned above her head.

He then took out a large knife, cut himself on the wrist and asked the trapped woman to drink his blood in a vampire-like manner, so that the two could ‘be part of each other,’ the court heard.
Police said:
He grabbed the complainant by the wrist and attempted to force his bloody wrist to her mouth.
Judge Josephine Bouchier explained how when the victim tried to go to the bathroom, Knudsen forced her to keep the door open while he poured through her text messages and prevented her from calling the police.

Crown prosecutor Kathy Scott Dowell said: “The act was particularly grotesque and manipulative”.
It’s believed that aside from the horrific attack the victim also received several messages from strange Facebook accounts during the summer, which are believed to have been Knudsen.
Judge Bouchier granted the victim a protection order against Knudsen and he was told not to have any contact with her, telling him: “Leave her alone. I trust I make myself clear?”

Knudsen plead guilty to the attack and was diagnosed with mental health problems.
A recommended three-and-a-half year sentence to prison was originally suggested but the judge settled for six-months of house arrest and 100 hours of community service.
His family were also asked to take him to receive treatment and counselling for his mental illnesses.
Knudsen’s defence lawyer Paul Surridge said his family ‘don’t agree with what he’s done,’ but ‘they still love him.’

More of a concept than a journalist, Tom Percival was forged in the bowels of Salford University from which he emerged grasping a Masters in journalism.
Since then his rise has been described by himself as ‘meteoric’ rising to the esteemed rank of Social Editor at UNILAD as well as working at the BBC, Manchester Evening News, and ITV.
He credits his success to three core techniques, name repetition, personality mirroring, and never breaking off a handshake.