Guy Tweets Greatest Twitter Story Of All Time

McDonalds Speeds Up Take Out ServiceGetty

We’ve all had some pretty weird late night encounters at McDonalds, but this guy takes the cake for honestly the craziest drive-thru story ever.

It was 1:00am and Josh Raby wanted a milkshake. All he wanted to do was get to the drive-thru, collect his drink and go home – but he got caught up in probably one of the most bizarre events ever seen at McDonalds.

Luckily for us, Josh took to Twitter yesterday to tell us all what went down.

This is his story:

Insane. My question is how on earth did that guy get a job at Mcdonalds? Like what is their hiring process because it’s very concerning.

And if, like us, you wondered if this story is actually real, it is, apparently.

Josh posted some proof:

Absolutely crazy.