Guy Who Broke Up Fight Between Teens In Middle Of Street Honoured By City

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A hero who broke up a street fight between two teenagers is being honoured by the city for his brave actions.

Atlantic City is honouring Ibn Ali Miller after he encouraged the two young men to talk through their problems and not try and solve them with their fists.


Miller’s actions have been seen across the globe as people shared dramatic footage on social media, 6ABC reports.

However, like a true hero Miller didn’t use his 15 minutes of fame for his own gratification, instead he praised his mother, Sabrina Winters, and the way he’d been raised.

He said: 

When we were young, she’d put pretzel sticks across the table. She said those pretzel sticks are the right path, and the rest of the table is the wrong path, and that it’s very, very difficult to stay on the right path.

One thing I always told them in making decisions is think about the best thing that can happen and worst thing that can happen, because either side has consequences.


As for the boys whose fight he interrupted, Sheldon Ward and Jamar Mobley, they’ve also thanked Miller for his actions.


Mobley explained that only a few days ago he believed that it was cool to fight in front of his friend but now he;s learnt his lesson and that fighting doesn’t really mean anything.


Miller meanwhile added that he hopes his actions will influence people to do more character building adding that young people need these opportunities more and more.