This video shows the harrowing moment a man has his leg torn from his body while trying to catch a free ride on a train.
Footage of the incident, believed to be taken in Bangladesh, shows the man jumping on the moving train before losing his grip and falling.
While grainy, the video shows the man’s leg caught underneath the wheels before he manages to pull it out.

Luckily, men nearby were able to create a makeshift tourniquet out of a shirt to stop him bleeding to death.
And while he was carried away and taken to hospital, his condition is unknown.
Unfortunately, this is just one of thousands of potentially fatal injuries caused by railroad accidents in South Asia.
Just yesterday, a 13-year-old boy in India fell on to the tracks at a railway station seconds before a train came thundering through.
In Bangladesh’s capital alone, over 200 people were killed by trains in nine months. And in neighbouring India, 27,581 people died from railway crashes in 2014, according to Hindustan Times.
Absolutely horrifying.