Game of Thrones fans everywhere are waiting with baited breath to see if Jon Snow will actually be resurrected in the new series, but it might be a while before they find out the answer to that.
However, in better news for the hardcore viewers of the show, HBO’s president has claimed that the show might not have an expiration date of seven seasons as previously thought.
Of course, it could all be dependant on how George R.R. Martin’s series ends, but with the TV show now ahead of the books, that is a bit of an open ended question.

HBO President Michael Lombardo spoke about the end of the series and noted:
I think seven seasons and out has never been the conversation; the question is how much beyond the seventh season are we going to do.
[The producers are] feeling like there’s probably two more years after six. I would love for them to change their minds, but that’s what we’re looking at right now.

The show has just cast Ian McShane in an unnamed role for season six, which is set to be one of the goriest ever – which given it’s hardly been a bed of roses so far, is really saying something.
Emilia Clarke, who of course plays Daenerys Targaryen, claimed:
I’ve seen some of the new scripts and I’m like a kid on a sugar high. I can’t handle how sick some of them are.
We’re just going to hit the audience with every episode, coming up with something more mental that the last.
I can’t believe some of the twists in store.