As the true horror facing the citizens of Aleppo becomes more and more clear, many people are wondering what – if anything – they can do to help.
Following reports that the Syrian army is resuming operations in the stricken city after an infringement of the ceasefire, there has been a surge in enquiries from those wishing to help Aleppo’s civilian population.
The indy100 has put together a list of the five best ways to provide humanitarian aid to Aleppo’s residents.
Donate to Oxfam

Oxfam’s Syria crisis appeal to provide food and shelter is the quickest and most efficient way to get help to those in need.
With reports of civilians being executed by pro-government forces Oxfam’s Syria Crisis Response Manager Andy Baker said:
The government of Syria and their armed allies must ensure civilians who remain in besieged East Aleppo or have fled to government held areas are safe.
There must be no reprisal attacks, arbitrary detention, extrajudicial executions or disappearances under any circumstances.
You can donate to Oxfam via donate.oxfam.org.uk/emergency/syria
Support Doctors Without Borders/Medicins Sans Frontieres
Tomorrow is #HumanRightsDay day.
Lets think about people suffering in #Aleppo #Syria
Because of #iran regime +Assad+Russia #StandWithAleppo pic.twitter.com/BbUB0PAGGQ— Mussa (@MussaTa) December 9, 2016
The work of Doctors Without Borders relies incredibly heavily on financial support from the public.
Teresa Sancristoval, head of MSF’s emergency unit for Aleppo, said:
We remind all sides that even war has rules. It is paramount that all parties allow people to flee to safety, allow the evacuation of the sick and wounded, and facilitate the protection of, and humanitarian assistance to, those who are caught on the front lines.
You can donate to them here donate.doctorswithoutborders.org/onetime.cfm
Support the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
R.I.P. #Aleppo#AssadPutin & #Iran have killed you.
The world is complicit in your murder.
We won't forget nor forgive those responsible. pic.twitter.com/RN0BHn6HvG— Julian Röpcke (@JulianRoepcke) December 12, 2016
The work of the Red Cross – along with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent has supported millions of civilians caught up in the conflict.
According to indy100, this year alone the Red Cross has carried out 55 cross front-line operations, providing food, water and medical aid to over eight million people.
You can help by donating at icrc.org/en/donate/syria-crisis-appeal
Speak out on refugees’ rights

We are in the midst of a global refugee crisis with an estimated 65-70 million people currently displaced from their homes – that’s greater than the population of New Zealand, Canada and Australia combined.
There is no simple solution to this enormous problem, but public support is a powerful tool in persuading governments to act.
You can voice your support with Amnesty Inernational at amnesty.org/en/get-involved, make a donation to Refugee Action at refugee-action.org.uk or support the UN’s Refugee Agency at donate.unhcr.org/gb-en/general
Help the children

The number of children in the conflict zone is staggering with the number of reported human rights violations causing deep concern in the international community.
Unicef say:
Children are particularly vulnerable to such violations as recruitment into armed groups, exploitation and abuse, including early marriage and child labour.
Donations to Unicef will support and protect children in Syria with particular focus on their health, nutrition, immunisation, education and protection. You can donate at unicef.org.uk/donate/child-refugees
Save the Children have already reached over a million internally displaced children and adults in Syria and are providing fresh food, new baby kits and shelters.
You can donate to them at secure.savethechildren.org