Here’s Every Swear Word In Pulp Fiction In Less Than Two Minutes

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Of all Tarantino’s great work has any film ever topped his magnus opus, Pulp Fiction, the hyper violent, profanity filled tale of  Los Angeles mobsters and a mysterious briefcase? 


The YouTuber and bad-ass motherfucker, StorySaysCreations is clearly a fan of the film as they’ve spent their time making a super-cut of every f-bomb in the film and anyone who’s seen it knows there’s more than a few.

There are actually 265 swears throughout the movie which as the films 178 minutes long means that there’s more than one curse a minute.

Pulp Fiction may have over 200 hundred swear words but it only ranks 28th on the list of films that most frequently use the word fuck.

Tarantino’s own film, Reservoir Dogs, manages to beat it by four more fucks (269) but they don’t even come close to the top three, Wolf of Wall Street (569), Fuck (857) and Swearnet: The Movie (935).


Despite not topping the profanity charts Pulp Fiction has gone on to be voted one of the best films ever made and was voted ninth on Empire’s 2008 poll of best movies which combined the opinions of readers, movie industry professionals, and critics from across the world.