Here’s The Science Behind Why Dogs Smell So Bad When Wet

Imgur/Sophie Gamand

It’s a universally known fact that wet dogs don’t smell especially pleasant.

But why do they whiff so bad after they’ve been for a swim? What causes the strange odour? And why is it that when they’re at their smelliest, they always want a cuddle?

Well, now Reddit’s Ask Science section has once again strived to clear up all our burning questions on this very important issue (okay, maybe not that last one).

Put simply, it all boils down to yeast and bacteria taking up residence in your pup’s fur.

Meanwhile, you smell the general rankness when the different molecules hit the olfactory sensory neurons in your nasal cavity (yeah, those old chestnuts)…


Reddit then even attempted to tackle different kinds of wet dog smell, and why canines’ feet smell like fritos (apparently)…


But what are the best ways to treat the smell?


There’s also the significant issue of why certain breeds smell worse wet than others…


And if all that hasn’t sufficiently explained everything, then this video from The American Chemical Society should help clear up the rest of your questions: