Here’s Why Steve Martin Isn’t Involved In Hollywood Any More


Steve Martin, the stand-up comic legend and critically acclaimed actor, has been off our screens, both big and small, for far too long (Home doesn’t count) but where did the silver haired fox go? 

Well, according to the good people over at Looperthe reason we don’t hear a lot from Steve any more is pretty simple… he’s really busy.

According to their wonderfully informative video, Steve’s greatest passion right now isn’t movies, it’s in fact bluegrass, a style of music he believes is truly American.


He’s gone on to have great success with his band Steep Canyon Rangers and even won a Grammy for his incredible banjo skills.

That’s not his only passion though, Steve’s also big into collecting art and has been for years and has been privately gathering an impressive collection while occasionally using his profile to spotlight young upcoming artists.

Perhaps the biggest reason we don’t see that much of Steve any more though is because he’s become a family man, marrying Anne Stringfield in 2007 and becoming a father for the first time in 2012.


Steve apparently values his family’s privacy and is far more content to play with his daughter than faff about on movie sets these days.

Fair play to him!