One 12 year old girl has been called a hero after jumping into the family pool to save her three year old sister, who was drowning, and the incident was made all the more remarkable by the fact that Carin has Down syndrome.
Carin Richardson and her siblings were drying off from a swim when she decided to go back and do a couple more laps – only for her younger sister, Jac’Lynn, to follow her.
The three year old then into the pool, and was saved when Carin put on her goggles and jumped into the water to rescue her.
Her mother claimed:
Without panic or fear, [Carin] grabbed her goggles, got in the water and pulled her sister out of the pool and into the house.
It was made all the more remarkable by the fact that people with Down syndrome usually have slower reaction times, meaning the fact that Carin reacted so quickly was not only life saving but remarkable as well.