Hilarious Drunk Woman Interrupts The News With A Very Urgent Announcement

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If you’re going to interrupt a live news segment during Australia’s most prestigious horse racing event of the year, it better be about something important – and one woman did just that.


Journalist Phil Wilmington was attempting to present a piece to camera during Australia’s Melbourne Cup when he was cut off by a woman with a very urgent announcement.


The woman, who was just seen in the background picking something up off the floor, wandered over to the news man and seemed pretty unconcerned about the cameras that were broadcasting live to Australia’s Channel 9 News viewers.


She told the reporter: “Channel 9, I think you need to know somebody has lost three dollars.”

Trying to hand the wallet over, she adds: “Can you give that to the rightful owner?”


The news man, who looks a tad uncomfortable with the situation, tells her: “I probably wouldn’t be able to find them.”


After trying to suggest handing it over to a security guard, the good samaritan says: “No, it’s important. How dare you?”


Luckily for the news guy, two friends quickly run over and drag her away while she continues her rant.

With a whole $3 in it, we can only hope the owner of the wallet was reunited with their cash.

This is just another example of how out-of-hand (and awesome) the Melbourne Cup looked.
