This week, the UK government launched a new guide with the intentions of helping parents to better understand slang used by teenagers on the dreaded internet.
Obviously, their attempts to be the middle-man between the youth and their parents was widely mocked on twitter, but what I found even more concerning was that, when reading the story, I realised I also had no f*cking clue what these new codewords meant.
There were some I did know, which have been pretty big online recently, such as ‘Netflix and chill’ and classics like ASL and BRB – but the rest are mind-numbingly pointless and don’t even make any sense. What is happening to this planet?
"Netflix and chill" concerns make the Sunday Times, moral panic about film streaming spreads across the land. Dying.
— Jim Waterson (@jimwaterson) September 6, 2015
All this latest ‘research’ has done is make me feel much older than I am, so here you go, join me in that very boat by taking the following quiz…