How The British Public ‘Touched Shia LaBeouf’s Heart’

touch my soul top#TOUCHMYSOUL

Movie star, turned performance artist, Shia LaBeouf has set up a new installation in Liverpool called #TOUCHMYSOUL.

The exhibition sees Shia, along with collaborators Nastja Ronkko and Luke Turner, work in a mock up call centre taking calls from the public and asking them to ‘touch my soul’.

The trio have been manning the phones at Liverpool’s Fact Gallery since 11am this morning and can be reached until 6pm.

We tried to get through to the wacky actor, but he’s receiving so many calls that even our 130 attempts didn’t get through. Luckily the chat is then logged online, here’s how the public tried to touch Shia’s soul so far.

Some try cheer.

touch my soul 1

Others complimented him.

touch my soul 2

While others told stories of loss.

touch my soul 3

People have told stories of despair and hope.

touch my soul 4

Some people were confused.

touch my soul 5

Others are oddly angry.

touch my stole 6

And some callers just tell sad stories.

touch ymy soul 5

Some fans have taken to twitter, upset about being unable to talk to Mr LaBeouf.

The 29-year-old actor has become increasingly known for his intriguing performance art. He also famously wore a paper bag with the slogan ‘I am not famous anymore’ on the red carpet or the time he sat in a room with another bag on his head letting the public say whatever they wanted to him.