How To Get 18 Straight Days Off Work With Next Years’ Bank Holidays

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2016 may have royally sucked, but 2017 and its bank holidays are here to save you.


If you’re looking to have 18 straight days off to go on holiday, hang out with family or simply to just wallow in self pity, 2017 Easter bank holiday is here for you.


Because of the way Easter falls next year, some people will be able to finish work on April 13 and not return until May 2 – that’s 18 whole days off work, and you only have to book nine off to get it.


So how does it work?

Good Friday is on April 14 and Easter Monday on April 17, followed by May Bank Holiday on May 1.


If you finish work on Thursday, April 13 and book holidays until Tuesday, May 2, you only use up nine days of holiday for 18 days off work in total.


That 18 is made up of three bank holidays, six weekend days and just nine in the working week – or, 18 days off in total.


It’s a similar make-up to this year’s Christmas holidays – which allow you to have 10 days off by just booking off three.

Is there a better way to say ‘sorry for the clusterfuck of last year’ than giving us 18 straight days off work? Well, 2017, you could give us back David Bowie and Alan Rickman, but this will do.

Get booking, people.
