Walter Palmer step down, there’s a new American hate figure in the world of hunting, and this time it’s an accountant at Idaho State University.
Sabrina Corgatelli knows exactly where she stands on the Cecil the Lion controversy, and she doesn’t care what the ‘haters’ think. And there are a lot of haters.

The huntress has a Facebook page where she posts pictures of her kills, putting inflammatory captions with the images.
Such as:
Day #2 I got a amazing old Giraffe. Such a amazing animal!! I couldn’t be any happier!! My emotion after getting him was a feeling I will never forget!!!’

Wow, she really, really loves hunting. Feeling that good after killing a living creature must put you fairly high on the psychopath spectrum.

Unsurprisingly, the Internet has very little love for Sabrina the middle-aged bitch.