Impatient Queen Takes Car Off Road To Avoid Young Family

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Imagine taking your young family for a stroll through the park on a summer’s day, when a motorist decided to veer off the road and onto the grass in order to get past you.

That was exactly what happened to Scarlett Vincent and her partner, who were out with their young child, when a car
mounted the grass after deciding they were moving too slowly.

While that is a pretty take it or leave it event, when you turn to look at the car and see it is being driven by the Queen of England however, things start to get pretty interesting.

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According to Scarlett, Her Majesty passed them and went on her way, but not before waving to them.

She claimed:

We didn’t actually have time to get out of the way as we were in a world of our own so she had to swerve around us,

I just turned to Toby and said ‘Oh my god, it’s the Queen’. He was as shocked and surprised as I was. I pointed at the car and she just smiled at us and waved.

Queen Elizabeth was thought to be on her way to church and is known to be a big fan of driving herself around, despite having people to do that for her, after spending time in the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service during the Second World War.