Increase In Security At NYC Fourth Of July Celebrations After Terror Threat


The governor of New York has put his security officials on high alert because of concerns about the greater threat of a terrorist attack over the July 4th weekend.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said additional staff would be in place at the city centre, and ordered state authorities to enhance monitoring of holiday celebrations.

He urged people to “not only remember the freedoms that we hold dear, but also remain cautious of their surroundings and learn to recognise and report suspicious activity”.

Warnings about the threat of terrorism around major holidays have become routine since 9/11, and although authorities have said there have been no specific threats made against the U.S, the rise of ISIS and ISIS-inspired lone-wolf attacks over the past year has led to increased concern.

The Macy’s fireworks show on the East River in New York City is one of the most famous of the U.S Fourth of July celebrations and takes place later tonight.